The Chicago Center for Diabetes Translation Research
The Chicago CCDTR, Directed by Institute member Dr. Marshall Chin, facilitates innovative interdisciplinary diabetes translation research that integrates health care system and community. Successful translation of diabetes research findings into real-world practice requires interventions at multiple levels: policy, health care organizations, health care microsystems, providers, patients and families, and the community. Their work aims to bridge the gap between the research arena and real-world practitioners, administrators, and policymakers seeking to improve diabetes care. The Center builds upon the University of Chicago Diabetes Research and Training Center Prevention and Control Core’s strengths in disparities, community-based participatory research (CBPR), cost-effectiveness analysis, health services research, quality improvement, behavioral change, and geriatric diabetes within the context of a University with world-class strengths in both the basic and social sciences. The Center serves as both a provider of core services and expertise, and equally importantly as a true working community of collaborators from across Chicago, the Midwest, and the nation.